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Featured at SBC

Plan Ahead to Maximize Your Investment!

Advanced planning is essential to make your time at any conference a success. The SAME Small Business Community's Steering Committee is pleased to present their Top 10 ways to prepare.


  1. Determine your primary and supplementary goals for the conference. Is it learning about specific business opportunities for your company? Is it gaining tips on how you can more successfully compete with federal agencies? Finding a new teaming partner? Or maybe it’s building brand awareness. Set focused goals so you can prepare accordingly…and then achieve them! 
  2. Find out what opportunities are currently out there for your primary NAICS code. Look at the opportunities out there for prime contracts to which you know you can be a sub. Do a search on Contract Opportunities
  3. Use competitive intelligence on your opportunities. Use an online resource such as, Federal Compass, Fedmine or GovWin to find:
    • Prime contractors that sub-contract for your specialty
    • What recent federal contracts have been awarded to companies like yours
  4. Get your supporting materials together
    • Check your inventory of business cards and get more printed if you don't have A LOT of them!
    • Update your capabilities statement so it is current. If it’s been more than six months since you’ve updated it – LOOK AT IT AGAIN. Think about creating multiple statements based on your target audience. We're happy to offer two COMPLIMENTARY capability statement review tables as a part of Matched Networking. Grab an appointment while at SBC to get an insider's viewpoint on how to perfect yours (sign ups will open in early November).
    • Check that your various professional profiles are current:
      • Your SBC profile via the on-line Attendee Service Center - to include uploading a headshot so people can easily recognize you.
      • LinkedIn (naturally)
      • Your SAME member profile on the SAME website too.
    • Look at your company’s other marketing materials, update them as needed, bring a handful of copies with you...and make sure you have links and QR codes to them.
  5. Make matched networking appointments with agencies and companies that are participating as hosts and will help you meet your goals. Consider which agencies haven't met THEIR socio-economic goals, and work together so you can help them meet their goals. If you have multiple reps from your company attending, divide and conquer! 
    • Appointments will open according to the following schedule:
      • November 4: all registered individuals from small businesses may request appointments
      • November 11: other other registrants may request appointments
    • Each individual is limited to making three appointments prior to the conference. If availability remains on November 18, the three-appointment limit will be lifted.
  6. Search the organizations that are exhibiting and create a list of those you need to visit!  A useful way to categorize your targets can be:
    • MUST-visit exhibitors
    • Secondary list of companies to visit once I’ve visited with my must-connect list.
    • If I have time…I’ll check out these folks
  7. Review all the sessions taking place and determine which ones align with your goals.  Then, bookmark the sessions in the itinerary builder.
  8. Check out our pre-conference training webinars and get set-up for success...just click on the link to watch the recording or sign up for each webinar.
  9. Two weeks before the conference
    • A list of pre-registered attendees will be posted in the Attendee Service Center (look for the menu item "ASC - SBC Attendee LIst").  Download it and sort it…reach out in advance individually to people who can help you meet your goals!  With thousands of people expected, do not count on chance that they'll be able to do a private chat when you're available. Set up a time and send a meeting invite.
    • Review your conference registration, hotel reservations, and travel plans.  Identifying issues now will save you headaches once conference week starts.
    • Download the SAME Events App to have all the SBC information at your fingertips!
  10. Set a date on your calendar within a week AFTER the conference for follow-up with contacts made.  If you don't make it a priority now, time will pass and you'll have a pile of cards and fleeting memories. IT IS THE FOLLOW-UP THAT IS MOST IMPORTANT! 

If you take the time to prepare - you'll achieve your goals! 

Remember to review your plan the weekend before the big event. Do check for new information (maybe some new hosts or exhibitors signed-on since you made your initial list), update your plan accordingly, and remind yourself of your goals.  Be flexible and have fun!  Always choose quality over quantity.  Just one right contact can have a huge impact on your business!

Additional Suggestions for a Successful Conference:

  • You cannot do it all - zero in on your top targets and sessions. You'll never get to it all so make the most of the ones you can get to!
  • Don't focus on selling your firm and its capabilities in every conversation.  Focus on the people and getting to know them through listening. Everything else will follow!
  • OPEN YOUR CIRCLE! It's tempting to catch up with old friends...but make sure to keep that circle open to include new faces.
  • Bring a message of "win/win" to both clients and teaming partners. Most people are receptive when a situation is mutually beneficial.
  • JUST BE YOURSELF! Don't stress over finding the best contacts. Talk to people, make friends, and build relationships. The business will come as a result.
ENJOY the conference and have fun! We'll see you in New Orleans!

*BLUF = Bottom Line Up Front