Volunteer Opportunities
Join us at SBC in one, or more, of our volunteer roles and activities! Be sure to review the important volunteer requirements before signing up on the Volunteer at SBC page.
#1 You must be a current SAME member to volunteer.
Volunteer Position Descriptions:
AOF Lunch Assistance
Take tickets for session, help attendees find seating, support the session, as needed.
Badge Pickup
Help attendees print their badges and distribute conference materials.
Briefings & Education Sessions Monitor
Scan Badges, direct participants to floor microphones to ask questions, conduct room count half-way through session. After each session, do a clean sweep of the room, clear speaker tables, and replace water bottles.
Briefings & Education Sessions Monitor Captain
Learn how to use scanners, train session monitors on scanner use, assign monitors to rooms, check scanners back in at the end of volunteer sessions, compile scan counts and room counts on Master Room Count Sheet, check on sessions, fill in for no-shows (if needed). (By invitation)
Conference Bag Stuffing
Assist with set-up for conference bag stuffing assembly line, add materials to conference bags.EAG Meeting Assistance
Check in attendees, help attendees find seating, support the session, as needed. **Please note: Conference Bag Stuffing takes place inside the Exhibit Hall during setup, which is an active construction zone. Closed-toed shoes and appropriate clothing are required.**
Conference Bag Stuffing Captain
Assist with set-up for conference bag stuffing assembly line, replenishing supplies on assembly line, and consolidating assembly lines and materials, as needed, Must be able to safely lift and carry 35 lbs.
EAG Meeting Assistance
Assist with check-in (Invitation-only) and monitor room. Other assistance, as needed.
Exhibit Hall Badge Checker
During exhibitor move-in hours, help those trying to get into the Exhibit Hall with incorrect credentials. Check to see if they are with an exhibiting company. If yes, give them the correct holder.
Help Desk
Ensure individuals need to be helped at the Help Desk; redirect them to Badge Pickup or Onsite Registration, as necessary. Assist with stocking conference bags and the Ribbon Wall.
Human Arrow
Assist with the flow of attendees from one area to another; moving between activities, and sessions within the convention center.
IGE Workshop Assistance
Assist with check-in (Invitation-only) and monitor rooms. Other assistance, as needed.
Listening Sessions Assistance
Assist with check-in (Invitation-only) and monitor rooms. Other assistance, as needed.
Matched Networking Appointments Monitor
Assist with check-in and monitor rooms. Help set-up as needed.
Micro Session Theater Assistance
Scan Badges, direct participants to seating, conduct attendance count half-way through session. After each session, do a clean sweep of the area and communicate with SAME staff, as needed.
New Member & First-Time Attendee Meet & Greet Monitor
Take tickets for session, help attendees find seating, support the session as needed.
Onsite Registration
This will be a station (similar to Badge Pickup) where individuals will be able to register themselves, if they have not already registered. No waiting in line at the Help Desk! Duties are to assist with this process, help print badges and provide conference materials.
Pre-Conference Workshop Monitors
Take tickets for session, help attendees find seating, support the session, as needed.
Registration Volunteer Captain
Train registration volunteers/fill in for no-shows, help SAME registration staff where needed; liaison between registration volunteers and Registration Manager. (By invitation)
SAME Booth - Photo Op Assistance
Help attendees take their photo at the SAME booth. Other assistance, as needed.
Volunteer Concierge Co-Captain
Assist SAME Staff lead to manage all volunteers for check-in/out for shifts, provide reminders of responsibilities, assist with volunteer shirts, help with emergency/ad-hoc needs. Assist with filling for no-show slots and coordinating with other Captains.
Young Professional Member & Fellows Networking Reception Assistance
Take tickets for event and support the event, as needed.