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PDH & AIA Credit

PDH Credit

All of the educational sessions at SBC carry 1.0 PDH credits. To have your credits included on your conference PDH record, you MUST be scanned into the session. At the conclusion of SBC, visit the ASC (Attendee Service Center) and download your PDH record. Your PDH record will be available through the ASC until February 28, 2025.

Didn't get your badge scanned when attending a session, you can self-report those sessions using the fillable PDH Form.

Listened to the recorded SBC session, use the fillable PDH Form to record that information.

AIA Credit

Many of the educational sessions contain AIA LU and/or HSW credit. 

Architects please note, being scanned into a session DOES NOT provide AIA with your attendance information. You MUST complete the AIA Credit form which includes your AIA number and signature and return to SAME. The AIA Credit form is available here. SAME is a provider to AIA, we will need to report your credits to AIA within 2 weeks of the conference.